My Little Obsession 2024 Printing

Letter from the Creator


Hello, my name is Jewel, and I would like to tell you about why I made this project, and what it meant to me.

In the spring of 2010, I was starting work on My Little Obsession for my degree in Film and Photography. A lot happened during my college years, including the onset of a very serious, life-changing illness that as of 2024, still has no cure. Though my body fought me every inch of the way, I followed that spark of inspiration.

To say it wouldn’t be easy would be a massive understatement.

I had a few supportive classmates, but also plenty of critical ones, like those who anonymously wrote discouraging and mean-spirited remarks on my drafts as we all passed our thesis ideas around the classroom for critique. Their words were harsh, and they stung–perhaps even more so because they didn’t know that I was one of the “type” of people I was creating this project about.

I was a pony collector, too.

I decided in that moment that this discouraging and judgmental attitude was not okay, and in the end, I only became more determined to try to shine a bright light on the beauty and joy of embracing what makes you happy, and the importance of not letting the unwelcome opinions of others change who you are or how you see yourself.

I completed the requisite 15-minute project, but in the months following, I found myself greatly multiplying the original
assignment requirements and producing this little film. After graduation, I had lost the use of all of the college’s equipment and resources, and had to continue on my own. I pulled every string, borrowed every dime, and put everything I had at my disposal into this project.

It was a lot of work, and SO much fun. I will treasure these memories for the rest of my life.

However, it isn’t perfect. It’s not going to win an Oscar. It has its flaws, and technology as we now know it has grown and changed exponentially in these past 13 years. I have grown and changed too, and my skills have vastly improved, but this project will always remain a product of its time. It has never been for profit, only to share and enjoy.

I had these copies printed to share with you a glimpse into a beautiful and fascinating world bursting with unimaginable
creativity and full of incredible people who are unashamedly and unapologetically embracing who they are and what
makes them happy.

I hope that you find and embrace all the things that make you happy, too.

My Little Obsession Creator

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